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Because we believe in a free market and our prosperity depends on it!

Advocacy is the core responsibility of a chamber of commerce.  To prevent anti-business legislation.  Public policy significantly impacts businesses and their ability to operate. From transportation initiatives to workforce funding to tax law, legislation influences the competitiveness and profitability of our businesses.

We are a strong advocate for business interests at the local, state and federal levels.  We are the voice of business.

We are part of a coalition of chambers and together we represent over 5,000 businesses which gives us a louder voice
A legislative update goes out once a month, more when necessary.
Our Legislative Council meets on an as needed basis to help set our Public Policy Agenda, Candidate Forums and Legislative Trips.
The best part?  Most of the Advocacy is done for you without you having to do one thing!

Make sure and join our Advocacy Civic Leaders Group in the Info Hub under "My Subscriptions".  This group is a direct embodiment of the Advocating pillar. It focuses on engaging in local governance, promoting transparency, and influencing policies that benefit the business community. Members of this group can serve as advocates for the interests of the Chamber and its constituents in the civic arena.

Our Advocacy Advisor is a specialized assistant providing personalized policy updates and interactive support for Chamber members.

The Mansfield Chamber Celebrates Success in 88th Texas Legislative Session

Meet the Candidate (1)

Annual "Meet the Candidates" at our Chamber Business Luncheon in April

Candidate Forum (2)

Annual Candidate Forum at the Chamber

Legislative Coffee and Conversation

Annual "Coffee and Conversation" with our Legislators


We're a member of the Coalition of East Tarrant Chambers.  Combined we represent over 5,000 businesses which gives us a greater voice.

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